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Friday, August 28, 2020

Little Life Updates

dance in the rain quote

Happy Friday! I’m a little sleepy this morning after a girls’ night out. We went to Flock, drank wine, ate cheese, and talked about all our different school set ups and how everyone is handling them. It’s crazy that so many schooling scenarios can exist in such a small geographical area right now. I’m so proud of my friends and how everyone is making it work the best they can. Can I say it again? What strange times

dance in the rain quote

Anyways, girl time was therapeutic, so I figured a blog version would be pretty fun, too. Let’s chat about life…

Let’s start with the elephant in the room. We are not moving.

This process has been incredibly long and drawn out. The short version of the story is our first contract fell through because the sweet family that was going to buy our home lost their job a few days before closing and had to pull out. It was such a hard situation. We got under contract again almost immediately, but ultimately we couldn’t come to terms. We’ve been back on the market for two and half weeks now and through that process we’ve had about 30 showings. It’s incredibly hard to homeschool and live in a home we are constantly having to clean and vacate. We reached our limit. I feel like we’ve done everything we can to make this happen and God is just saying no right now. 

After a lot of ups and downs, I’m finally very much at peace with that decision. We love our home and are ready to live it again. David and I have a list of home improvement projects listed to tackle, and it will be fun to get back to house projects. We did them all the time before the girls were born, so it’s time to dust off our tools and get to it.

My site redesign is moving along swimmingly. I’m really excited about the new look and the more user friendly set up we are working towards. It’s still in process and will likely not launch for a couple months, but right now there is a lot of backend work and organization I need to do. I’m going to pump the breaks on writing new posts for a week to give myself time to tackle some of it. 10 years worth of content is a lot to sort through, but I have that finish line shining ahead of me and I can’t wait to have a more easily accessible and searchable site.

Settling into the house means not having to homeschool out of a plastic bin. I’m going to look into a way to organize our materials. This week our Beautiful Feet Early American History Curriculum arrived and I am full-on googly-eyed over it! We’re going to start it next week. I’m picturing science on Mondays and Wednesdays and history on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I told David that this year is the most I’ve ever felt in a good groove with homeschooling. I don’t know if it’s the girls’ ages or what, but I’m really loving it right now.

I’m excited for September. Even if the heat is still full on summertime, September holds so much good stuff. It’s Hailey’s birthday (how is she going to be NINE?!), my birthday, the start of football (please, oh please, SEC and ACC, hold strong), and this year we have a trip to Hilton Head planned, too. We put it on the calendar not long after Dad passed away. I viewed it as a just try to make it to this milestone. We haven’t been to the beach as a family since I honestly don’t know when and I am looking forward to it with all my heart.

That’s the latest from around here. I’m looking forward to this weekend because we get to see Mema, we are doing a fantasy football draft with our family friend besties (it’s our first time learning fantasy football and the girls are super excited to participate), and Hailey has her first soccer game of the season. I’m looking forward to some down time, too, and starting next week with a fresh outlook.

Just FYI, my meal plan printable and responsibility chart printable are free to download! I’ve gotten a lot of questions about them on Instagram lately because the charts have been so helpful to us lately for giving the girls a clear visual of what is expected of them each day. 

That’s it from my corner of the world.
How are things going with you?
What is one thing you are looking forward to?
I’d love to hear it!

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