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Friday, August 21, 2020

Five on a Friday

Playaway products A Healthy Slice (4 of 11)

Happy Friday! Despite things still being up in the air about the house (I promise to give more details once this is behind us and I know the outcome), I’m doing quite well this week. Last week I was so stressed and drained, but this week, after creating some calm, I’m definitely feeling back to “what will be will be” and very much at peace about it all. I’m hoping I can hold onto it!

I love the energy vibe that comes with everyone going back to school. Even though I know this year looks so different for everyone, the collective focus on returning to academics helps us settle into a routine as well. We’ve been doing math and language art for about six weeks now, but just added in science this week. I can not wait to start history (we are using the literary-based program Beautiful Feet for Early American History) and I just got confirmation that it shipped!

So let’s have a little fun as we head into the weekend with five things I’m loving lately. Please feel free to play along in the comments; I love hearing what is bringing joy to your world!

Playaway Products

One of our favorite items to check out from the library (that aren’t books) are Playaway Kids products. We’ve borrowed Playaway products from the library numerous times, so I was thrilled when they asked if they could send us a few products to try out. They have a variety of offerings from audio books to Wonderbooks to Reading Academies, that are all pre-loaded, secure, and don’t require any wifi.

If you haven’t tried these items, you need give your library a call a request them. My kids LOVE them. They’ve taken their read Wonderbooks to bed with them every night this week and I’m saving the audio books for a September road trip. They aren’t available for purchase, but you can request them from your library!

Playaway products A Healthy Slice (4 of 11)Playaway products A Healthy Slice (5 of 11)

Splendid Spoon

I know you’ve heard me talk about my love for Splendid Spoon for months now, but I feel I need to reiterate my love for it as we are all trying to find peace and order in this shift into a fall schedule. These 100% plant-based meals are so good. Seriously. I have forgotten to customize my order several times and ended up with bowls I didn’t select. Since I don’t waste food, I ate them anyway and have enjoyed every single one. They are delicious, nutrient-packed, have only real food as ingredients, and frozen, so they last forever. You simple heat and eat. It takes five minutes and while the girls have a snack plate for lunch, I have a super healthy, warm, delicious meal.

Try it out using this link and save $25 on your first order!

Splendid Spoon (1 of 1)

Little Entrepreneurs

The girls have been saving up for a Barbie Dream House for a month now. They’ve sold old toys online and have been begging to have a lemonade stand. I told them that while I think people would still buy lemonade to support them, no one would really be enjoying the product right now because of the virus. We brainstormed products that might actually bring some value to others and that fit with their talents/skill sets and came up with the idea to design greeting cards.

We used a pack of blank cards with envelopes that we got at Michael’s, and while they started of drawing some designs of their own, they’ve evolved into using Art Hub for Kids to create different themed cards. Some have unicorns, some have sports, some have emojis. It’s been incredible to watch them both focus on quality and we are up to about 20 cards now. They plan to sell them for $1.00 each and I have really been enjoying watching them create this “business.” 

kid card making (1 of 2)kid card making (2 of 2)

Mom Is Here!

How could I not include this in my favorite things? Mom came up yesterday and I’m so happy to have her here. I not quite sure when the last time she was here. Several of you have asked with love how she is doing, and she’s doing alright. A more transparent answer is that we all still think of Dad every single day and still have moments when we struggle to wrap our heads around how everything unfolded. I don’t want to speak for Mom, but personally I still struggle with why and how, and wrapping my head around the fact that he really isn’t coming back. I know that may sound dumb, but grief is strange and is makes it hard to swallow basic facts sometime. Being that he was my dad, but her best friend and soul mate, I can only imagine she feels what I feel, magnified by about a million. 

At the end of the day, though, we all realize how lucky we are to have had him as such an important player in our lives. We will miss him always, but we are grateful for the family we have and will continue to “live life and enjoy it,” just the way Dad always wanted us to. That’s probably a longer answer than I intended to give, but Mom is doing OK. She has so many people that love her and support her as she is learning how to live this new life. Thank you for asking <3

Nordstrom Sale

Let’s take a sharp turn into lighter territory. I’m not a clothes shopper. I’m not a sale seeker. I have four of these tank tops (in different colors) that I wear over and over again as my summer uniform. However, the girls and I had to be out of the house yesterday so I decided to venture to Nordstrom to see if there were any items “in the big sale” that were worth buying for my simple style. There were a few and I’m super pleased with my finds and their prices! Seeing them all in person and being able to try things on was super helpful, too. First of all, this is what shopping with the kids looks like…

shopping girls (2 of 2)

Second of all, here is what I bought (all currently on sale and open to the general public):

That’s it! Again, I’m not a huge shopper, but if I get a chance to snag some great basics at a good price, I’m down!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Share with me- what’s good in your life right now? Are you a Nordstrom sale shopper? Any items I should consider? 

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