TGIF! I’m really looking forward to this weekend. It’s been quite the week around here (see number one below for what is causing the added stress). We have a boat with friends lined up for the weekend- a double decker pontoon to be specific! Can you tell we are still very much enjoying our boat club experience? I’m looking forward to some sunshine and laughter.
But first, five on a Friday! Since I’ve gotten back into the rhythm of posting three days a week, a goal I’ve had for sometime now, I realize I need to let go of the idea of having to make every post PINWORTHY and LENGTHY. While I love writing topical posts, truly I do, I also want to keep these lighter posts part of the line up, too, in order to stick to my ultimate blogging goal: write a blog you’d want to read. I hope you enjoy the blend, too. 💜
ONE – A Lesson Learned
Never make an announcement on the interwebs until papers are signed and ink is dry. We’ve had some hiccups in the process of home selling/buying. It’s been stressful and the bottom line is that as I hit publish on this, we don’t know exactly what we will be doing yet. I shared the news after due diligence had passed, so I thought it was a done deal, but… lesson learned. We hope to know more by next week.
TWO – Money Heist
In my recent Currently post, I mentioned how David and I were in need of a new show. Whitney suggested Money Heist on Netflix and I am so grateful because we are hooked! That does not happen with us and shows very often, but Money Heist is like an Ocean’s Eleven. It is engaging, moves quickly, and is the perfect length (40-50 minutes). It’s originally done in Spanish and is dubbed, but it’s done well so it’s barely noticeable.
THREE – Read Alouds and New Books
I feel like we have been reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire forever. After reading the first three aloud, this one definitely steps it up a notch in length and detail, so we’ve been taking it slow so I can use all my best voices and make sure Kaitlyn is able to keep up with all the characters (wait, who is Ludo Bagman again?). Regardless of the length, the girls LOVE it. We only have three chapters left and are planning a heck of of movie viewing party! I just bought chocolate frogs and Bott’s Every Flavor Beans and slug gummies and more. Out of all the things we get to do together, celebrating a completed read aloud by recording our favorite parts in our Read Aloud Journal then having a special movie viewing party is one of my favorites.
The girls have also been reading more on their own lately, so we made a recent trip to The Homeschool Room (a consignment store for books and homeschool materials) and stocked up. Hailey chose Illustrated Classics and has already flown through Little Women (I highly recommend these style of books if your 8 year old is like mine and still likes to see some pictures in her books), Third Grade Detectives (gave it a thumbs up!), and Ramona Forever. We’ve read the other Ramona books together and both girls have enjoyed them. Kaitlyn stocked up on early readers. She likes to pick out books that are too hard for her at the moment, so I was glad I could convince her to grab some on her level to build her confidence. I grabbed our next read aloud, The One and Only Ivan, and a book I’ve heard such good things about, Tuesdays at the Castle, along with some Shakespeare poems for our poetry tea times.
I’ve shared with you my love of Joy Organics CBD products before (my favorites are the soft gels, the gummies, and the bath bombs), and since I just restocked myself, I wanted to let you know that you can get 25% off your entire order this month by using this link and using the code AUGUST.
More on why and how I take CBD here.
FIVE – Printable Responsibility Chart with Screen Time Tokens
You guys, I feel like such a dope. I share the charts I print for the girls each week on Instagram and have accidentally been linking people who ask for the printable to the WRONG post- head slap. This is the current chart we use (it’s a free printable). It has done wonders for us since we implemented it! I was using the same responsibilities for several weeks, so this week I switched things up and added some fun ones like “art” and “body movement” to their chart and it was a the shake up we needed. Daily art is something the girls, but especially Hailey the artist, need in their lives.
August Flashback Posts
- Practical Tips for Homeschooling Multiple Ages
- Your Sailing Charter Questions- Answered!
- Kindergarten Homeschool Unit Study: Apples
- Family Dinner Conversation Starters for Young Kids
- Healthy Toddler Meal Ideas from a Real Mom
- 3 Months Old, Second Child (oh how I miss having babies some days!)
- Family Friendly Weeknight Meal Ideas
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