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Thursday, June 4, 2020

How to Use Coffee Grounds as Natural Insecticide and Mosquito Repellent

As surprising as it may sound, coffee grounds can have a number of great uses after brewing. From a mosquito repellent to compost, you can use coffee grounds around the house in a number of different ways. Read on and find out why you should never throw used coffee grounds ever again.

#1: Mosquito Repellent

Used coffee grounds make an excellent mosquito repellent and insecticide. This is because mosquitoes are repelled by the strong odor used coffee grounds give off. Also, a number of studies have found that used coffee grounds are highly effective in killing off mosquito larvae, which makes them a great natural insecticide.

The method of application is quite simple – pour fine, used coffee grounds into any small, still bodies of water near your house; this can be small puddles in or around your backyard. In thus way you make unfavorable environment for mosquitoes. Plus, this method will kill any mosquito larvae that grow there. Alternatively, you can burn coffee grounds in tin cans or aluminum foil and increase its insect-repelling scent. Or, mix hot water with coffee grounds and place this in a spray bottle. Use the liquid to spray on the infected areas.

#2: Compost

In case you’re making your own compost, used coffee grounds will be a great addition to it because coffee grounds contain a lot of nitrogen. This provides a lot of energy for the bacteria in the compost to break down the organic items you’re composting. It also speeds up the composting process. An additional benefit of coffee grounds is that they also cover up the unpleasant smell that comes off as a side effect.

If you want to use coffee grounds for your compost just throw them in your compost bin as you do with anything else.

#3: Fertilizer

Aside from being an excellent compost addition, used coffee grounds can make an effective fertilizer as well because they are abundant in nitrogen. What happens is that coffee grounds stimulate the growth of microbes in the ground, which is why you should mix them with the soil you’re preparing for growing produce. The final effect is that the breakdown of these microbes provides a great source of nutrients for your plants.

Although many people think that coffee grounds are acidic, this is actually a common misconception as the acid found in coffee beans is water-soluble. This means that it’s washed away into the coffee itself and leaves the used grounds free of acid.

#4: Staining Wood

Another unusual, yet practical use of used coffee grounds is for wood staining. The result you get is a nice, organic tone on your wood. Best of all, it’s extremely easy to use.

Start by collecting your used coffee grounds and pouring them into your coffee pot or your French press. The next thing you do is add boiling water to the container. Leave this to sit for a minimum of 2 hours or, preferably, overnight. After this, strain the infusion and store it into a container that’s large enough for a paintbrush to fit in it.

The wood staining process is as simple. Briefly soak your paintbrush in the mixture and apply generously to the wood. Leave the first layer for about 10 minutes to dry, and then add another layer. You can repeat several times or until you get the desired shade. For darker shades, rub in any leftover coffee grounds.

Source: The Hearty Soul

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