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Friday, March 13, 2020

How I Make Our Wellness Shots

These homemade wellness shots aren’t for the faint of heart. They are powerful, immune-boosting wonderdrinks that will help you and your family stay well during the germ seasons, and beyond!

When my mom and dad gave me a juicer (a masticating Omega model I’d been drooling over) two years ago I was ecstatic. I juiced all the things and often had bottles of juices lined up in my fridge. Then I fell off the wagon and realized I liked eating salads more than drinking a large green juice. While I still love a good, nutrient-packed glass of fresh juice every now and then, I no longer have colorful bottles lined up in the fridge.

That doesn’t mean I’ve forsaken my juicer though. In fact, I might say it’s getting more use than ever because this winter I’ve fallen in love with homemade wellness shots!

I usually make our wellness shots in the early morning before David leaves for work. It doesn’t take much prep, and while it does take a little clean up, I find powering our immune systems with fresh turmeric, ginger, and lemon first thing in the morning to be worth the 5 minutes I spend scrubbing parts afterwards.

I’ve been sharing our shots regularly on Instagram stories and after replying to DM after DM with the breakdown of what I put into them, I realized I just needed a blog post to refer to, so this is it!

No juicer? No problem! Make my favorite ginger and turmeric tonic using only your blender!

What is in a Wellness Shot?

What goes into these particular powerhouse shots? I’m so glad you asked! I stick to items that are fresh and can be found in a lot of grocery stores, as even turmeric root is becoming more widely available.

  • Turmeric- 2″: contains a compound called curcumin which is known to have powerful antioxidants and anti inflammatory effects.
  • Ginger- 2″: a potent antioxidant helping with inflammation as well as digestion. It can also help relieve nausea.
  • Lemon- one small or half a large: high in vitamin C which helps boost the immune system. It is also a natural detoxifier and can help with alkalizing the body.
  • Garlic- 1 large clove or 2 small: has a potent compound called allicin. When consumed within 20 minutes of slicing/juicing, it had powerful antiviral and antibiotic properties. It is on of my top go-to healers for when my kids get sick and when I want to quickly get rid of a sore throat.
  • Celery- 2 full stalks: provides a source of vitamin K, vitamin B6, potassium and folate. Plus it helps with digestion by restoring hydrochloric acid. 
  • Black pepper- a sprinkle: can help boost the absorption of turmeric up to 2000 (!) percent.

Optional Add-Ins

  • Parsley- a few stems worth: said to help cleanse the kidneys, plus has high amounts of vitamin C, E, beta-carotene and antioxidants.
  • Apple- half a medium: the peel is rich in polyphenols, but in a juicing setting, with the pulp removed, it mainly adds in providing a sweetness to the shot, which can be a really nice way to make it more palatable for some.

homemade wellness shot juicer

How to make a Homemade Wellness Shot

The first step is to prep the ingredients. Peel the ginger and turmeric (beware the turmeric will turn both your fingers and your cutting board a bright orange color, so I have a small separate cutting board for this purpose). Cut the lemon in half and cut off the rind. Slice it into fourths. Peel the garlic and wash the celery (you can juice the leaves, so no need to toss those).

If using a juicer: simply feed the ingredients into the juicer. I like to start with the ginger and turmeric and end with a celery stalk to push everything else through efficiently. Does it make a real difference? I have no idea but it works for me. Divide into two small glasses, sprinkle with fresh ground pepper then drink immediately.

If using a blender: load ingredients into the blender. You will most likely need a liquid added to make this method work and your resulting shots will be a bit larger. I recommend coconut water for it’s electrolytes. Pour 4-6 ounces in, depending on the need of your blender. Blend on high power until pulverized. Strain through a fine mesh sieve or a cheesecloth (again, be aware it will stain). Divide into two glasses, sprinkle with fresh pepper and enjoy!

As always, if you give these a try, please tag me on Instagram and let me see… especially if it’s a picture of your face right after you downed it 😉

turmeric wellness shot

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